National Railway Historical Society
The NRHS was founded in 1935 by a group of rail historians in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It has since grown from 40 founding members to include over 13,000 men and women of all ages and professions in every state and many foreign countries. It is the nation’s largest rail preservation and historical society.
Northern Shenandoah Chapter, NRHS
The Northern Shenandoah Chapter NRHS was established in 1967 as the Winchester Chapter. As a 501c3 community club, the Chapter is dedicated to promoting the knowledge and appreciation of of railroads. Through a variety of preservation projects, social gatherings, and educational events, the Chapter encourages the "Railfan" hobby among men and women throughout the Northern Shenandoah Valley.
Click Here for a Detailed History of the
Norther Shenandoah Chapter